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Gemini women are patronized by such elements as air. What kind of air? Unpredictable, changeable, sometimes crequest, sometimes warm, and always moving in different directions. These are Gemini women, not only in everyday life but also in relationships. To win over a Gemini woman, you will have to work hard. Even the most inventive, cheerful, positive, and optimistic dreamer may find it difficult to build relationships with a representative of this Zodiac sign. After all, no matter how much variety you add, she will crave even more all the time.

Behavior of Gemini Women

These women are like fireworks. They are explosive, unpredictable, bright, active and mobile, spontaneous, and intellectually developed all at the same time. The behavior of Gemini women in love is not too different from their behavior in a normal state.

With respect to the Gemini woman personality, whether in love or not, they all behave equally brightly, spontaneously, unpredictably, cheerfully, and defiantly. So, if you are in love with such a girl and want to see at least some signs of her falling for you as well, you will not succeed. Until you take the first step, you will not receive any confirmation of love.

Gemini Woman Traits in Love

These girls have no time to think about sympathy or falling in love with someone, because they are usually too popular, and they are always in the spotlight. On the other hand, it will not be difficult for an attentive man to see signs of her falling in love.

The most important of the Gemini woman traits and signs of affection is increased interest. The behavior of a Gemini girl in love toward the object of her adoration immediately changes. With his initiative, she will spend maximum time with him and have fun. But again, it is worth emphasizing that the initiative should come from the man first.

Gemini woman in love

The behavior of a Gemini woman in love can greatly change if she does not see what she values in her beloved man. What can affect this? Monotony, the absence of fun, boredom, or a man with overly serious intentions.

No matter how a woman with this sign behaves, no matter how much love she feels for a man, and no matter how much she wants to be with him, she will not build a relationship with him if she is not interested in him. And interest for these women lies not in intellectual conversations, but in fun, adventures, travel and spending quality time together. Remember, only a man who has enough imagination to constantly surprise her is capable of attracting a Gemini woman.

To satisfy a Gemini woman in a relationship, here are some features of men they prefer:

  • You crave diversity in relationships and are ready to be the initiator;
  • You are sick of inconsistency and instability in relationships with girls;
  • You are not looking for anything too serious immediately and are ready to wait for the right moment;
  • You will not limit the freedom and independence of your soulmate;
  • You are ready to use fantasy and imagination in order to amaze her;
  • You are able to accept your girlfriend for who she is and won’t expect her to change.

But the main thing in understanding a Gemini woman is providing her with variety. A Gemini woman will never be with a man she is not interested in or who she is bored with. Perhaps an adult Gemini who is thinking about family relationships and building family happiness will be able to overlook those issues, but a young, energetic Gemini girl will never love someone she is not interested in.

Gemini woman in bed

The behavior of a Gemini woman in bed with a man can be described as the behavior of an actress who constantly changes her looks.

One day she may be a modest and timid beauty, waiting for the initiative from a man and unwilling to experiment.

The next day she may be more open to perversity, unpredictable, proactive, and effective.

With such a woman, a man will feel different every time. It will not be boring with her because every day will bring something new.

Tips for Dating a Gemini Woman

You have already gotten to know a lot about Gemini woman, so here are some tips that will help you when dating a Gemini lady:

  • Do not limit her freedom and independence;
  • Do not try to re-educate her;
  • Try to surprise her as much as possible with actions, initiatives, etc.;
  • More love will not hurt (flowers, romance, candlelight dinner, confessions);
  • Do not put pressure on her with your experience and authority;
  • Do not rush to marry and build a family with her.

Gemini women fall in love with bright men who are sociable, friendly, cheerful, and resourceful, with whom they can have fun and not get bored. Being in love with a Gemini woman will be good for an attentive and caring man. Representatives of this zodiac sign adore tenderness, affection, love, attention, and passion. You need to learn how to satisfy all her needs and see her like a princess, not just an object of adoration.
