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44 years old

id: 58219

Is it possible for believers to meet a partner on dating sites for a serious relationship? In modern times, we have the internet. There are numerous sites where you can meet Jewish women easily. This is new in our history.

There used to be matchmakers. They came, they had to see everyone, they got to know each member of every family. They believed that the rich should marry the rich and the poor should marry the poor. These were the cultural norms. Now our cultural norms are dominated by the internet.

On the one hand, the internet is a friend that helps us communicate easily and instantaneously. It helps us find new connections and so on. On the other hand, if you do not use it carefully, misunderstand God's plan and achieve your own goals, then it can become an enemy. Therefore, Jewish girls dating online should be done carefully while following all the rules.

Of course, there are now many couples who have created their union with the help of the internet. It is simple and available to everyone. Nevertheless, a relationship is a long journey. You must take the correct approach to choose a spouse and reaching different milestones as a couple. You need to plan appropriate dates and prepare to live out a correct relationship according to the Torah and the Jewish faith.

Therefore, if you are thinking about Jewish women dating, you need to research and be prepared for it. You should understand your goals and intentions and know how to behave correctly. You can even consult with a rabbi in order to get answers to all your questions.

brunette girl

Peculiarities of Dating a Jewish Girl

Is it permissible for two believers (a man and a woman) to live in the same apartment? Is it permissible for you, as believers, to have a clear conscience if there is a woman next to you, in your apartment day and night? Even with the purest intentions and a sincere heart, this is a bad idea, according to Judaism. Why expose yourself to such a difficult test that could very easily lead you to a bad decision?

If you are dating a Jewish girl, you shouldn’t live together. It will be a test for your heart, mind, and body, and you definitely should avoid it. If you believe that this Jewish woman will be your partner for your whole life, you need to marry her. And only then can you start living together.

At the same time, you should not rush. The most important thing is to determine whether this is the right person and whether you are completely sure of your decision. Only then will your married life be happy, according to Judaism.

Dating and marriage have different goals and different perceptions, particularly for Jewish people. Don’t forget about this, and be respectful to your chosen one. This is important to both of you, and if you have any doubts, it is always a good idea to ask a rabbi or someone from a synagogue in order to see what the right way is.


Dating Jewish Women

We are influenced by certain stereotypes and social norms regarding dating. How do we go about dating Jewish women when we have a pre-existing belief that we can learn more about them only by communicating with them at a close distance?

To understand what kind of person someone is, sometimes it is actually better to look from the outside, from afar. What do we want to know? What kind of person she is, what kind of character she has, how she acts as a believer. Everything that we need to see can be seen from the outside. You don’t have to spend time with each other or even communicate with each other. Therefore, as she treats other people, such as her father and her brother, she will treat you. It's simple. To learn this, you do not need to spend a lot of time together, or even any.

If you see certain shortcomings in a person and realize that you will not be able to change them, but you agree to accept this person with the shortcomings, then it is your choice if you consciously understand this. If this is a deliberate decision that has been tested during the trial period and you have been praying for months about it, then you can marry each other.

But if you think, “I can withstand a couple of months, and during this time God and I will change this person.” Of course, God can change everything and everyone, but if we rely on Him to do it on our command, then we are mistaken. Because if we expect that with our help God will change our husband or wife, then we need to start with ourselves; during that trial period, we should radically change ourselves.

If you can do it with yourself, then you may think maybe you can do it with single Jewish women. But if you do not even have such faith that during the probationary period you will become a different person, do not assume that, based on your prayers and efforts, he or she will change.

Choosing Jewish women for marriage

If you are wondering how to find a partner, here are several tips. A man should see certain features in girls. It is advisable that you see this not only in relation to yourself but also in relation to other people with whom your future chosen one communicates. If you see rudeness, an ungrateful attitude, irresponsibility, negligence, tactlessness, and other similar behaviors, then nothing will change dramatically after marriage. This person will continue to behave that way.

What kind of wife would you like to choose for yourself? If you see some negative features in your chosen one, little in marriage is likely to change. In fact, in marriage, everything is likely to worsen. Why? Because if you used to see each other for just several hours a week, as a married couple, you will see each other 24 hours a day, and all the qualities that you did not like before will become even more visible.

But the most important quality to develop before marriage is patience. If a person can endure before marriage with a beautiful Jewish woman and wait for the date of the wedding, and not rush today, he can tolerate any negative quality in other people.

Before the wedding, while dating a Jewish woman, it is advisable to look closely at your chosen one through a magnifying glass and try not to miss a single trifle. You should look for everything that you would like to be with you all your life. But if you did not look closely, did not want to wait, and got married, then later, you can’t change anything.

But for some reason in life, this often happens. Before the wedding, while still dating Jewish women, everyone wants everything to be done as soon as possible, no matter what shortcomings there are. Many people rush to get married, and then everything changes. However, this is wrong and you should be extremely attentive to the person you are dating.

wedding ceremony

More about Jewish Marriage

If people ask the question, “Is it possible to get married a second time?”, then it is clear that there is no such thing as the only one. However, many people wonder whether there is only one right person for everyone.

It is very important for both parties to understand the other - a man chooses a life friend, he is looking for her. And a woman can reciprocate. She can agree to marry him or not. She should already weigh all the other pros and cons.

The family is where you work, where you will always need to fix everything and solve all the issues that arise. God blesses, and our job is to work on our relationship. And it is necessary to understand tha both partners should work together in order to overcome all the difficulties.
