Never been married Elena 33y.o. from Kharkiv 46884

confirmed profile


Birth Date



5'2''-5'3'' (156-160 cm)


45 kg 99 lbs - 50 kg 110 lbs

Eyes Color


Hair Color








Zodiac Sign




Marital Status

Never been married







English Speaking Skills



Walking, swimming

Age criteria

from 32 to 65 years old

Body type


Aim of acquaintance



Not very pretty, not a bad figure. Smart, well-read, kind. The gait is athletic, light. I can not boast of special self-confidence, but I am working on myself.I can't sing! I dance well. Everything turns out like everyone else.But! First, I'm charming. People forget about all my qualities, which are 'like everyone else', and even very angry and irritated people begin to smile and try to please me. If on the phone, then I'm generally irresistible.Secondly, it’s good to go on reconnaissance with me. If anything, I will cover, carry the wounded on me, cook dinner on the fire, I can carry a heavy walkie-talkie and a bunch of ammunition. I won't betray!Thirdly, I am not evil (kind). I treat people the way I would like to be treated.I always try to put myself in someone else's shoes. Children love me, not only mine, others too. Grandmothers are talking on the street, drunks love to share their secrets. Sellers smile in chain supermarkets (they have so many people passing by that they hardly see us, but they smile at me).I also try to be fair. I try very hard!It is said that good people become more beautiful with age.I think that I will soon become a complete beauty. On the one hand, it would be nice, on the other hand, reluctance to grow old!


More than anything, I love to draw. When I have a free minute, I pick up a pencil and draw in my sketchbook, which I always carry with me. Drawing helps me create a whole world. This is especially important when something angers and offends me. In this case, I also begin to draw, and the sadness immediately recedes. Most of all I like to draw people. People look completely different every second. I love to portray different people, but they don't always agree. That is why I often draw nature as well. And I have a lot of drawings of my fantasies. Sometimes I sit at the table, do my homework, and suddenly I look out the window, I start dreaming about something good, and my hands draw by themselves. And when I read a book, I will immediately draw it.

Her Type of Man

My dear, long-awaited and beloved future husband. I decided to write you a letter. Sometimes I doubt if you will appear in my life. Sometimes it seems to me that I don’t know and I don’t know how and I don’t deserve love.One thing I know that you exist and if I really, really want, then you will definitely appear in my life. And I want to write to you about how I live, how I grow, how I change. I hope you find it interesting and useful with me. I hope that I will justify your desires and expectations.You know, I already love you, and I'm already proud of a husband like you. After all, you are strong, caring, understanding, loving and most beloved. Yes, perhaps you have that masculine trait, sharpness. But you show it only in your strong concern for me and our family. Yes, with you I feel like behind a wall. I can lean on you and trust you completely.You fulfill my wildest dreams. Because you are interested in me and you know about them. I'm safe with you. I am tender with you. With you, my love and my feminine nature is revealed in full force. I'm always interested in you. And you know how to listen to me, understand and forgive my little feminine weaknesses and tiny whims.I know you exist and you are my soul mate. Sometimes I don't believe you exist. And I think I'm better off alone. But in the depths of myself I know that only with you will I fully know myself and the world. Only with you will I be complete, happy and complete. Only with you will I open the full and understand the meaning of life.I already love you my soulmate and I know for sure that I will meet you!


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