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11 Fun Second Date Ideas That She’ll Like

The first date is usually seen as the most stressful one, but the truth is that date number two can be even more stressful to plan. On the one hand, you have already asked each other all the basic questions, so going to drink coffee again would be somewhat boring. On the other hand, you don't know each other well enough to do something as a real couple.

So what do you do? Here are a few things to consider and ideas to take advantage of. If you want to find out more about what is a good date in 2021, read further.

ideas for second date

What is the secret of great 2nd date ideas: 3 main nuances

If you want to succeed on your date, you should plan it in advance. Moreover, it is essential to consider several things in order to make it successful for both parties.

1. Consider her interests

After date number one, you already have some information about the girl you plan to meet again. Is she an athlete or does she like to cook? Or maybe she mentioned her favorite cafe or park.

2. Be aware of the weather and season

Different seasons offer different activities and options if you plan to spend some time outdoors. Therefore, no matter how interesting your idea of ​​hanging out together is, make sure that you both are comfortable, and if someone is too hot or cold, it's time to move indoors.

3. Don't forget about the pandemic

This material is published during the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, when choosing an idea for a date, do not forget to take into account the current situation in your region, and if there has been an increase in the number of infections, stay away from public places — safety first!

good second date ideas

What To Do On the Second Date in 2021

It might seem that the second date is not as stressful as the first one. And this is partially true. However, if you want to interest your dating partner and make her want to meet you again, you should offer her something new that she will not forget for a long time. So, spare no time if you want to date Russian women successfully.

  1. Get active
    Depending on the city you live in and your budget, this could be an electric scooter or horse riding, rock climbing, or trampoline jumping. The main thing is to make sure that the girl is interested in it and has no health issues.
  2. Watch a movie on a projector
    It is romantic and unusual. Depending on the time of year, using such a device, a movie date can be arranged either outdoors or indoors — for example, by clearing a cozy space on the floor.
  3. Volunteering
    This is original and kind. The girl will surely appreciate such an unusual proposal, and you can start to get closer by caring for puppies or kittens together at a local animal shelter or clearing the beach of garbage.
  4. Play board games
    This is a fun and exciting activity. Don't know any board games besides Monopoly? Then find out about other cool and entertaining games online. There are numerous options of various genres — from strategy games to drinking ones.
  5. Attend a class
    If the situation in your area is unfavorable at the moment, you can do this online. The main thing is to decide in advance what exactly you will do and purchase all the items necessary for creativity. Think of something interesting but simple. Don’t try anything too complicated to date Ukrainian women.
  6. Paint
    It is essential to mention painting, which can be an element of a surprise date. Invite her to a picturesque place and surprise her with the prepared canvas, a set of paints/brushes, and easels — which one of you will make the best landscape?
  7. Visit a botanical garden or arboretum
    Surely there is a place like this outside your city or even within its boundaries. To make a pleasant impression on her, we advise you to prepare — read in advance about some of the plant species that grow there and remember a few interesting facts that can be mentioned when you pass certain plants.

what to do on second date

Second Date Tips

If you meet girls online, you should think about some alternative ideas for spending time together. There are numerous great ideas for a second date in 2021 even if you can’t meet a girl offline. Of course, there is another reason for an online 2nd date — the pandemic.

With the coronavirus pandemic, dating online has become a necessity not only for people who live on different continents but even for people who live in the same city. Alas, modern devices cannot yet (and probably never will) completely replace the touch and warmth of a living person. Still, there are tons of options for you and your girlfriend to have a great time together.

If the situation is dangerous in your region, you should definitely use these tips to arrange a good date.

1. Have dinner together

Video messengers are now needed not only for conversations: Through them, you can do whatever you want — for example, have dinner together. Candles, an unusual dish, and a pleasant companion on the other side — put romantic music on in the background and change your stretched T-shirt with sweatpants for something more stylish.

This is one of the most common second-date ideas when you meet offline. And you can still do it, even if you can’t meet in person. It is simple, fun, and effective if you don’t know what to do on a second date.

2. Play something

Cards, board games, online games, or naval combat — though not all, many games can be played over the internet or via video communication. And do not forget that the main thing is not victory, but communication in the process. This is one of the best second dates ideas as you can get to know your partner better, talk about everything, and spend quality time together.

3. Watch a movie together

Try Netflix Party. This is a Chrome browser extension that syncs video playback on Netflix and adds group chat. What exactly should you watch with a girl? Get inspiration from this selection.

  • Unsane with Claire Foy
  • Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom with Chris Pratt
  • Skyscraper with Dwayne Johnson
  • Solo: A Star Wars Story with Alden Ehrenreich
  • Coco from creators of Toy Story and Finding Nemo

This is a typical idea for the second date in 2021, but it is always a good one. Luckily, you don’t need to meet offline anymore to watch and discuss movies together.

4. Ask each other 36 questions

A few years ago, the New York Times published an article “To Fall In Love With Anyone, Do This.” Mandy Len Catron, the author of the article, cites research by Arthur Aron at Stony Brook University.

As is often the case, when psychological research gets reported by the media, it loses some nuance. The real goal of the 36-question test is not to help people fall in love but to bring them closer together. So be sure to answer them and learn a lot about your beloved. It will help you to not have to worry about things to talk about on the second date as there are numerous topics to discuss, and one date might not even be enough.

Read to each other

In order to not fall into melancholy and despondency from the fact that you cannot touch each other now, change your attitude about the situation. Imagine being transported back in time to those puritanical times when lovers had to behave as chastely as possible during dates, but at the same time brought some romance into their dates.

How? For example, read poetry to each other or some kind of prose. It sounds unusual, but who knows? You may like it.

Think about online intimacy

Well, after reading sensual verses that can be counted as foreplay, why not move on to virtual sex, if both of you are in the right mood? Perhaps, this second-date idea is not for everyone, but it is still worth trying if you believe that it is appropriate.

best second dates ideas

The Best Second Dates Ideas

We have already offered you several good second-date ideas. However, if you don’t like any of them, here is a bonus — four additional ideas to spend time together. Of course, you can think about something different or maybe you can discuss them during your second date conversation as ideas for the future.

1. Take a walk

You don't have to just walk aimlessly back and forth in the park. Go for a bike ride or boat ride, feed the squirrels, or try to identify all the birds you see.

2. Cook something together (and eat it)

Prepare a dish with seasonal products from a local farm or with an unusual ingredient. Cooking together is a great way to have a pleasant and interesting evening, and if you also choose a delicious dish, then the result of your joint creativity will delight you just as much as the process.

3. Go to the bookstore

You can read each other poems from random collections or give each other book recommendations. Or, have a competition to find the book with the funniest title or funniest cover. You may be surprised, but in the bookstore, you can have a lot of fun — most importantly, do not make a lot of noise.

4. Go in for sports

If you both love to exercise, why not do it together? Most importantly, do not forget to warn the girl in advance so that she will bring sneakers and sportswear with her.

What Not to Do on a Second Date in 2021

It is also essential to know what you should avoid and which ideas for second dates will not be successful.

  1. Not plan anything in advance
    If you really want to ruin your date, tell her a specific time and place of the meeting and then offer to walk aimlessly around the city center without having a specific plan of where to go and what to do. This will not only make you seem like a disorganized person and shift the responsibility for your entertainment to your companion, but it will also give her the impression that you do not care about her or the date.
  2. Plan an overly active date
    Of course, there are people who love to drive go-karts after work or visit a rock climbing wall, water park, or riding school. But most people prefer something more relaxing. Moreover, on the 2nd dates, as a rule, you want to get to know the person better. In other words, you want to talk to them. If you find out that the girl is fond of some specific physical activity, then by all means schedule it for your third or fourth date.
  3. Go to the cinema
    If you're considering taking her to the movies as one of your 2nd date ideas, cancel it now because going to the theater is like not seeing her at all. What is the point of sitting there in silence and then going home? It is impossible to find out about a person in such an environment, so, like the previous idea, leave this for later on in the relationship when you have gotten to know each other better.

Final Words

We totally understand how difficult it might be to find a good second date idea. Some girls love creative dates, but some prefer something more private. It is essential to try to understand the girl during the first date. However, don’t fall into despair if you didn’t get to know her well enough to come up with a good second date idea. You can always discuss your ideas with her and choose together.
If you want to have a fun second date as a surprise, maybe you should wait a little longer and do it for the fifth date, for example. Follow our tips and your girlfriend will definitely be satisfied! Our ideas are perfect for any couple.

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