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Best romantic ideas for her

Women love romance. Every lady dreams of a pleasant candlelight evening by the sea or in a beautiful restaurant. The more unusual the evening is, the more it will be remembered, and positive impressions can win her heart. The question of how to arrange something romantic for her is quite common among men.

Romantic gestures for her 2021

Romance is not only about luxury restaurants, expensive gifts, huge bouquets, and long limousines. It is rather a mood in a relationship, a state of mind, a desire to please each other, and an atmosphere of love. True romantic gestures for your girlfriend are not expensive. Here are some romantic things to do for her:

  • Kiss a girl in the most unexpected moments (and in the most expected ones too);
  • Have an outdoor picnic with a blanket, a thermos of tea, or a bottle of wine;
  • Arrange a gathering on the river bank or on the roof under the starry sky;
  • Cook dinner together;
  • Leave little notes for the girl all over the house;
  • Watch the sunset or sunrise together;
  • Always kiss her when you meet her or before you leave for work;
  • Hug her as if you are protecting her;
  • Carry the girl through a puddle or just periodically carry her in your arms;
  • Take her to concerts, theater performances, and exhibitions;
  • Give her your jacket on a cold evening;
  • Watch romantic movies with her at the theater or home;
  • Present her with wildflowers;

romantic ideas for her

  • Play a musical instrument for her;
  • Dance with her in an elevator, shop, or other inappropriate places;
  • Get the girl out of a boring party;
  • Compliment your girlfriend every day;
  • Make an inscription under her window with declarations of love;
  • Take a bubble bath with your girlfriend;
  • Give the girl a gift certificate for cosmetics or underwear;
  • Take pictures together;
  • Meet the girl after work;
  • Feed the girl grapes, strawberries, or something else from your hands;
  • Bring the girl breakfast in bed;
  • Blow bubbles, launch a kite or a Chinese lantern;
  • Feed ducks or other birds together;
  • Recite poetry for her or read a book aloud;
  • Visit a girl unexpectedly, arranging a surprise;
  • Push her on the swings in the middle of the night.

Romantic surprises for your girlfriend

Romantic actions are one of the main factors in a successful relationship, no matter whether you are dating ladies online or living together. If you have never done such things for her, it would be advisable to start preparing for the evening a few days before the event, so as not to miss out on any crucial details. Choosing a day that is suitable for both of you, you can intrigue your companion and warn her that today you plan to steal a piece of her free time. This way, you can be sure that your girlfriend does not accidentally have unforeseen plans in which your romantic ideas for a couple have no place.

romantic for women

So, the day before arranging romantic surprises for her, you should prepare a gift, complement it with flowers and a love card with a dinner invitation. Almost anything is suitable for a present: jewelry, lingerie, a silk scarf, a book, tickets, etc. The gift shouldn’t be something that will end up on the shelf in the future. It is better to consider both its practical value and romantic overtones. The postcard must be signed with the text of the invitation and a reminder of your love. When your girlfriend falls asleep the day before, you can put a gift and a card in a prominent place. And upon waking up and noticing the invitation, she will be pleasantly surprised and be in a good mood all day!

Romance ideas for unusual dates

People are so used to Slavic women dating online that even evenings with loved ones disappear into the virtual space, leaving no shadow of memories. Forget about the Internet for a few hours and have a lot of fun having an unusual date.

romance ideas

1. Impersonation

Everyone has a personality that is unfamiliar and unexpected for us. Try to embody a personality that you have always wanted to try on. Dressing up, changing your demeanor, or even creating a new bio can help you with this.

2. Ticket to anywhere

Buy tickets for the first train you come across and go to a new city for you. Stay in it for at least a few hours, soak up with new impressions and come back.

3. Dance lesson

Passionate bachata, classic waltz, fiery salsa, rumba, foxtrot, or tango — communicate with body language and have fun.

4. Follow the wind

Take a bike ride, roller skate, or try skateboarding. On the way, you can fly a kite and admire the beautiful scenery. Discover new horizons of possibilities.

5. Immersive theater

Participation in an immersive performance is an entirely new, indescribable experience and one of the most romantic surprise ideas for a date. The bottom line is that, unlike traditional shows, the audience members become full-fledged participants in the events. You can interact with the actors and the story itself, influence events, or remain a silent observer. Each guest will have their own unique experience because you will see the different story fragments. We advise you to plan to have a glass of wine after this — you will definitely have something to discuss after this kind of date.

6. Participate in your soul mate’s hobby

If previously your hobbies were different, then it is time to surprise your loved one and take an interest in her hobbies. Watch her favorite movie together, buy tickets for a concert with her favorite band, or take her to her favorite restaurant for a delicious lunch.

7. Date at an amusement park

This is a good, slightly extreme option. Every city has an amusement park. Try to return back to childhood: Ride various attractions, roller coasters, buy ice cream, cotton candy, and popcorn. Walk together, relax, and have fun holding hands.

8. Boat ride

If it is warm outside and the weather permits, a romantic date can be arranged in the form of a boat trip. But do not forget to bring your picnic basket with you. A light breeze, pleasant sunshine, quietly splashing water, a loved one nearby — isn’t that the definition of happiness?

9. Culinary feats

Sign up for a joint culinary master class: perfect risotto, sushi, first-class steaks, Thai noodles — the world of cooking can surprise you with fascinating (and most importantly, delicious!) recipes and ensure a chic date. At home, you can arrange a master class as well: Find a new video recipe on the Internet, buy goods, and create a masterpiece together. By the way, making a whole freezer full of dumplings may not be as exquisite as pasta with seafood, but it can bring you together so much more!

10. Horse riding

Horses are amazing animals that can bring peace and tranquility. And what girl would not want to look as free and romantic as the galloping Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride? You do not need to run anywhere, and you will not be allowed to gallop in the first lesson, but a romantic horse ride in the forest will be remembered for a long time as one of your best dates.

11. At-home concert

This is a kind of creative evening or concert that takes place in an apartment. They are musical, poetic, dedicated to cinema, and may even have an open microphone. The whole point is in the atmosphere of meeting old friends, even if you are unfamiliar with the performers and other guests, so this idea of a date will be at least surprising. For inspiration, cultural catharsis, and unusual emotions — visit house concerts.

12. Use the Arthur Aron questionnaire

Psychologist Arthur Aron has collected 36 questions that, according to him, will bring a couple closer and may even cause people who did not have feelings for each other before the experiment to fall in love. It’s not magic — it’s an idea based purely on psychology: questions that make people share intimate experiences and memories and reveal them from a vulnerable and sensual side.

You need to allocate an hour in a quiet and calm environment where no one will interfere with you. Sit opposite one another, take turns answering the questions sincerely, and try to be serious about the answers. After the third block, look into each other’s eyes for four minutes without being distracted and feel the magic of intimacy.

13. Joint photo session

Take a romantic outing with a photographer. Take a stroll around your favorite places in the city, visit a cozy café, or go hunting for gorgeous natural landscapes. By the way, this is a good practice for your wedding photographs. Plus, taking pictures to help you remember good times is always nice.

14. Planetarium

What could be more romantic than stars and distant planets? In normal life, we can see only a small fraction of the beauty of the endless sky, but in the planetarium, you can see much more. By the way, sometimes concerts with instrumental music are held in planetariums, and this is a great idea for a date: Hold hands and watch the birth of stars and galaxies with a pleasant accompaniment.

15. Tea ceremony

Relaxing music and leisurely savoring fragrant tea — we all need to slow down sometimes. This is a kind of meditation that allows you to calm your nerves, relax, and learn a lot about the tradition and art of tea drinking.

Simple romantic gestures for her

Is love overflowing inside you, but your wallet is almost empty? Try these budget-friendly cute romantic ideas 2021:

  1. Spend a summer night together, making wishes under the falling stars. Do not forget to mark the second week of August on your calendar. Every year, around August 12, the Earth passes through a meteor shower from the direction of the constellation Perseus, as a result of which a stunning spectacle of star showers can be observed for two to three nights.
  2. Give your significant other a lottery ticket with a small note: “I hit the jackpot by meeting you!”
  3. From time to time, solemnly kiss her hand. The correct way to do this is by lowering your lips to her hand and not raising her hand to your lips. This is the answer to how to romance a girl properly.
    cute romantic ideas 2021
  4. Play “your song” on the tape recorder when your significant other returns from work.
  5. When you go out together, sometimes wink at your soul mate from across the room.
  6. On your sweetheart’s birthday, send a thank-you card to her mom.
  7. While at work, take a moment to call your significant other for no other reason other than to say “I love you.”
  8. And one more simple romantic idea 2021. If you are leaving, for example, on a business trip, present your beloved with a bouquet: one flower for every day of your absence. Attach a note that says something like this: “Each of these magnificent flowers symbolizes one of the days that I will be away from you. They also symbolize the love, joy, and laughter that we share together.”

Don’t Miss the Hints

Of course, not all women require romance every day, or even every week. All people are different, and this also applies to their tastes and needs in relationships. So, you might not need our guide on the best romantic ideas for her. However,  you may not notice the hints your partner gives you: proposing to watch a romantic movie, asking you to go to a restaurant, or telling you about romantic surprises her friends received.
Of course, you are not a detective, but it is totally up to you to notice your woman’s needs. Most romantic ideas for her are easily arranged and you won’t need to spend a lot of resources on them. Try to remember when the last time you did something romantic for your partner was. Perhaps it is time to organize a date.

What to pay attention to when arranging something romantic for women

To arrange a romantic evening beautifully, you need to take into account every little thing that is crucial for a woman: dishes, napkins, tablecloth, music, light, flowers. After dinner, it is essential to chat a little more about topics of interest to both of you and then dance by burning candles placed around the room.

But you will hardly want to sleep after such an evening. And the grateful girlfriend will remain impressed by your romantic dinner for a long time. So do not neglect such a simple and trouble-free way to spice up your relationship with your beloved!

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