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Online Dating Questions a Man Should Ask Before Meeting in Life

Online acquaintances are as common as never before. First of all, the development of the Internet and mobile technologies has contributed to this. Another reason is how busy people are. Everyone feels the lack of time even for rest, what can be said about meeting someone? So, you have decided to sign up for one of the dating platforms, found one of the attractive brides online, and started to think about meeting her in real life. Are you sure you know this person well enough? Is she the one you are ready to proceed to the next step with? Brides4Love has prepared some dating tips for you. In particular, in this post, we will list online dating questions to ask before meeting a woman in real life.

You might be wondering why people are interested in reading the list of online dating questions in general. Well, for numerous lonely and shy people, internet acquaintances have become a solution to their problems. Having solved the problem of getting acquainted with a woman, they now come across another challenge: what to do on the first date.

At Brides4Love, we understand the challenges of modern communication. That is why we have prepared this post with a list of questions for online dating that will help you overcome awkward silences during the first meeting with a lady and help you get to know her better, which is the most essential goal of all real dates, especially the first one.

Getting to Know Her Better Is Crucial

Internet acquaintances attract not only lonely people searching for love but also scammers who want to cheat people and make money dishonestly. The first step to take to protect yourself is to choose a reliable platform. But even the most trustworthy site cannot give a 100% guarantee that every woman has the intentions she has written about. Thus, not to be left disappointed, you need to make sure that the woman you would like to meet in real life shares the same intentions. Another essential aspect is how the two of you match. Of course, Internet communication cannot be compared to the real thing. But there are questions to ask a girl online to better understand the woman you are communicating with. Her opinions and points of view, interests, and preferences matter when it comes to building a relationship. So, to make sure you won’t waste your time on a real date, be sure you ask the questions we have listed below.

One More Option

Before you proceed to the next step, there is an intermediary one you can consider. A reputable and reliable online dating platform should have the function of video chatting. So, before you arrange a real date, you can have a video call, which is a great way to get to know your online date much better.

Online Dating Questions to Ask Her

The intention of the below questions is to better understand a woman you are planning a date with. For building a successful relationship, her responses, as well as how quickly she replies and how she replies, are crucial. So, here are the questions.

1. What is the Most Crucial for You in Life?

It is one of the questions that you should ask at the very beginning of your relationship. Different life values of partners are the most common reasons for divorces and breaking up. If you would really like to find out an accurate response, it can be tricky. You can get an answer to this question not only by asking her directly but also by telling the story of a friend of yours. Then ask her to share her opinion.

2. If You Have Had a Chance to Choose Your Life, What Would It Be?

It is a bit similar to the previous question; however, it can help to reveal the true aspirations and desires of a girl you are communicating with? Would she like a happy family with kids? Does she dream about a successful career? Would she just like to be well-provided for and do nothing in her life? These two questions can reveal a real personality.

3. When Do You Usually Go to Bed?

It has nothing to do with her schedule, but what things are significant to her. She may say she would love to go to bed early, but she needs to study or work late. And you can understand that this is a serious person you are chatting with. Does she go to bed late because of parties? By asking such a simple question, you can start a dialogue that will help you understand the real goal and intentions of your online girlfriend.

4. What Movie Would You Recommend Me?

Quite often, smart people prefer banal romantic films because they help them get distracted. The reason why such kinds of online dating questions are important is what movie she will recommend and how. If she just lists the newly released ones, does she really care for you? But if she mentions several films of different genres and explains why she thinks you will like them, it is a good sign. She takes you seriously and is also interested in getting to know you. By the way, the dialogue about a film can be finished with an invitation to watch it together, depending on how far you live, of course.

5. What Is Your Hobby?

It will help you not only better understand your date but also show her how attentive you are. So, she replies that she is fond of cycling, and you arrange your first date in the park where you will rent bikes. She will undeniably notice that you are attentive to her and her words. The more details you remember, the better it is.

6. What Can You Tell Me About Your Friends?

In the process of discussing her friends, you can find out a lot about your date. Is she open and communicative? What do they usually do together? Where do they spend time together? She will be just excited to tell you about her friends, while you have the chance to find out if libraries are really her hobby.

7. What Is Your Attitude to Money?

Different points of view, especially in the financial field, lead to more serious problems in a relationship. It is necessary to understand that you both share the same opinion; otherwise, there can be problems in the future. It is one of the questions for online dating you need to take seriously. Of course, you can be ready to be a family provider, but if a woman considers financial wealth to be a solution for every problem or the most important target, are you sure there is enough money for her?

8. What Is the Best and Worst Memory From Your Childhood?

Every person has a background that influences their life. Childhood memories tell what is really essential for a person. Are these memories related to spending time with parents? Besides, talking about her childhood, you will understand the environment in which she was raised, how her parents treated her, and what you can expect from her in the future. If her parents are divorced, then why and how she treats the situation. These replies are crucial when it comes to understanding the real values and emotions of your online date.

9. What is the Craziest Thing You Have Done in Your Life?

It can be anything from adventures to saying all the truth to her boss. Let her reveal such a secret to you. Do you like the traits of character she shows? Do they coincide with yours? Think about how much you have in common with your potential date.

10. How Do You Solve Problems?

Every relationship has fights and arguments. Wonder how she will behave if you have had a fight over something. What will she do, and what does she expect from her partner? Are you ready for such a situation? It is essential to understand her principles before you have a real fight. Well, of course, when she is furious, her emotions and reactions can be different. You will be able to analyze how she thinks she behaves and how she really does.

Are There Any Taboos?

Among the questions to ask online while dating a girl on the Internet, there are, of course, taboos. Do not ask her about politics and religion. These are too controversial and subjective matters that require a serious conversation if the situation requires one. Questions about sex can be considered taboo; however, it depends on how far your online communication has reached. If you have already discussed hot topics, then asking her about her preferences in bed or even having a virtual hot chatting is an excellent way to add some spice to your relationship.

Get Ready for a Date!

If you have already asked all of the above questions and still like this girl and want to meet her, arrange a date and get ready for it! Nothing will help you get to know her better than meeting her in real life. Enjoy your date!

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