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The Best Ways to Say “Hi” in a Text Message | Brides4Love

It is not always acceptable to approach strangers on the street, and it can also be unsafe. Plus, you may be misunderstood. On the internet, things are different. You can start a conversation with someone without even getting up from the couch.

If you are a registered user on a dating site or social network, then you are probably aware that it is quite difficult to start a conversation with a stranger. Many people have fear of rejection or they are afraid to do or say something stupid. What if you are misunderstood, considered intrusive, or another person assumes that you have no pride?

It’s a good idea to throw all these doubts away and just stick to a few simple rules during the conversation, so as not to look stupid. Although, the concept of stupidity is very loose.

Different Ways to Say “Hello” in Texting

There are numerous ways to start a conversation. Of course, we can’t offer you a phrase that is sure to catch the attention of any girl you want to address. In order to be successful, you should first take some time to learn more about the person you are going to talk to. Perhaps she won’t like your funny ways to say hello in the text as this might indicate a lack of seriousness while another girl would continue this conversation with pleasure.

Different ways to say hello in texting

How to Say “Hi” in Different Ways

It is quite understandable if you don’t know how to start a conversation. Of course, you want to avoid simple and boring phrases like “Hi, how are you?” At the same time, it might be difficult to think of something new to interest a person in conversation with you. Let’s have a look at several ways to say “hello” that will help you do it correctly.

If you are wondering how to say “hi” on text in a flirty way, you should also think carefully about what you are going to write. Don’t talk about sex right away, don’t be rude, and don’t make stupid jokes. Remember that this girl doesn’t know you at all. The rules of communication between strangers are slightly different, especially when it comes to online dating. Be nice and attentive, and the girl will notice this immediately.

1. Study the questionnaire/profile

The first and most important rule is that you need to get to know the person before you enter into a dialogue with them. Check out their profile — it will help you understand how to say “hi.” Look at the photo — what kind of photo did she select? Read about her hobbies, pay attention to her spelling, whether she indicated her marital status, and other facts. After you get your first impression of a stranger, use what you have learned to start communication. If you find common hobbies and interests, then half the work is already done. All that remains is to write a message and start a conversation. You definitely have something to talk about, at least in the first three sentences.

2. Be original

You can write the words “hello, how are you,” but that won’t make you stand out from the crowd of other people. Therefore, if you still have the courage to enter into a dialogue with a hello message, then show originality. Think about what exactly should be in the first message from you. Perhaps you could try a playful question like “I see you like skiing, but how do you spend your time in the summer when there is no snow?” This will help to attract the attention of the girl you like and thus start a dialogue. You should not start a conversation with phrases like, “What are you looking for here?”, “What are your plans for the evening?”, or “I also like to drink” — this is unconstructive and rude. Your online reputation is also important.

3. Don't interrogate

After saying “hi” to a girl, try to stick to small talk. This means that you do not need to ask direct questions like “How many children do you have?”, “What is your ex-husband's name,” and “What did you do in the 90s?” Talk about general topics, pay attention to her reactions, and assess your sense of humor and literacy. You can ask all the questions you are interested in later when your communication develops into something more, but at first, an attempt to get into a person's soul will be perceived as tactless.

4. Don't insist on exchanging contact information or setting up an offline meeting

If during the correspondence, the person did not offer to meet or at least switch to a different means of communication, you should not blame them for this, and definitely do not insist on a date. Perhaps she has her own reasons to not take the conversation offline, which she is unlikely to tell you about at this stage. At the same time, if you are hoping for real communication, it makes sense to look for someone else so as not to waste your own time. This is especially true if you are looking for brides online and your intentions are serious.

5. Do not intrude

What exactly does this mean? Is it okay to write one or two messages a day, but five to 10 is too much? This is not the point at all. If you wrote a “hello” text message to a girl, but she never answered it, you can try again. If the second message also goes ignored, back out. The same applies to dialogues. It's one thing when you actively communicate, ask each other questions, share impressions, discuss things, and stay in touch all the time, but quite another when a girl answers your messages with one word, and only once a week.

The Best Way to Say “Hello” on a Dating Site

In winter, when it is cold outside but warm and cozy at home, you especially do not want to be alone. Because spending your evenings at home under a blanket with someone warm and loving is much more enjoyable than doing the same solo. This is where dating apps and websites come in handy. Think about Slavic women dating — the best way to find a partner and a soulmate.

But just meeting someone online is not enough — you also need to think about interesting ways to say “hello” to start a conversation correctly so that people want to continue talking to you! We’ve prepared a cheat sheet to help you. It has eight good phrases – why are there so few of them? Because there are few universal ones: In order to hook a person, you need to take a personal approach. So read other people’s questionnaires carefully and do not be lazy when filling out your own.

Interesting ways to say hello

Let’s start with the phrases you can use.

1. Let's have some coffee

Don't like to beat around the bush and carry on endless correspondence? Don't do it! Moreover, many do not like this. An invitation for a cup of coffee is completely neutral and will not offend anyone.

2. You have a very beautiful smile

Compliments are great if they are free of rudeness, hints of sex, and stupid jokes. So don't be shy! Fair warning: “Hello, beautiful” is not a compliment, but a message similar to mass mailing.

3. You are so athletic!

The best compliment is one that emphasizes what is dear to the person, such as hobbies, work, or taste in clothes. Notice them, and you’ll definitely stand out against the general background.

4. You probably get this a lot, but you look like that one actress

Even if it does happen often, you can probably develop a conversation just from this one message.

5. What house are you from? For some reason it seems to me it’s Gryffindor!

Pop culture unites — that's why we love it! Not everyone is interested in comics, but almost everyone will be aware of Harry Potter. Look for hints based on the personal tastes of each person in their profile.

6. Have you watched the new Star Wars movies yet? Want to watch one with me?

This is approximately the same non-binding but pleasant invitation as the first item on this list. The main thing to remember is not to start talking about kissing in the last row of seats.

7. What are you doing?

There is a huge difference between “How are you?” and “What are you doing?”: The second option implies some kind of continuation of the conversation, and the first closes it on an endless chain of greetings and “I’m okay, what about you?” This is an effective and different way to say “Hi.”

8. Do you know where to go to dance today?

Asking for advice by showing that you trust someone's taste is sweet. However, don’t ask for advice about work or household chores: No one would like to explain to someone in a dating app how to cook dumplings.

The Worst Ways to Say “Hey” to a Girl

Here are 10 terrible options to start a conversation — don’t use these at all.

1. Hi. How are you?

I’m fine. And you? Oh, you too. Well, wonderful. This is where the conversation ends.

2. Are your parents bakers by any chance? Otherwise, where did they get such sweet buns?

Yes, people who write this exist. In general, all the stupid jokes that have been floating through the internet for years are a bad option. There are numerous funny ways to say “Hello,” but this is not one of them.

3. What are you looking for here?

A husband to have three children by tomorrow morning. I hope our desires match.

Different ways to say hello

4. Let's switch to WhatsApp?

Many girls don’t want to do this immediately after a couple of messages. Nobody wants a pesky stalker with your personal phone number.

5. You are fat, but I just love chubby curves

To demean someone first and then make a fake compliment is an unpleasant strategy. And it doesn't work.

6. Where have you been my whole life?

I have been living my own life, and I plan to continue doing so. Arrogance in dating does not work very well — only those who write poetry at the very beginning are worse.

7. Tell me something

New level “Hello, how are you?” Tell you what?

8. Sensual lips

And also “your body is sexy” and other compliments hinting at sex. This discourages any desire to continue the conversation.

9. This outfit would make you look great in my bed

It is unlikely that the girl will find herself in it after such a beginning.

10. Let's go kiss and drink wine!

Openness is very nice, but no one wants to drink and kiss with a person they have never seen in their life and never heard of before this proposal.

How to say hi in different ways

In Conclusion

The main advantage of virtual communication is that you do not owe anything to anyone. You can interrupt the correspondence at any time, or, conversely, transfer it to real-time. During the conversation, you have the opportunity to really get to know the person and get an idea of their interests and beliefs so that during the date you feel more confident and relaxed. The main thing — do not hesitate, and if you are looking for your love through the internet, then this is your choice, and it means that it is definitely the right one!
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