5'10'-5'11'' (176-180 cm)
55 kg 121 lbs - 60 kg 132 lbs
I believe that no one can be objective when he writes about himself. Me neither. What I am sure, is that I am cheerful by nature and positive in every situation. In communication with other people I am kind, smiling and open. And I always try to understand people and their mistakes and flaws. I hаvе а jоb I love, good family, true friends, but I don't have what I really want in my life - my loved man, my soul mate beside me. In my free time, I like to travel, meet new people, discover different places and countries. That is always a great experience, and I have many good memories. There is always something new to try and to see. I am a food lover, and any new national cuisine is a challenge for me. besides that, I am interested in astrology and horoscope. A good book is something that relaxes me every day.
I am looking for for some stranger! Who is walking somewhere on earth without knowing that I’m waiting for him. That I’m looking for him! I want my man to be special for me. Caring and generous, romantic and sentimental sometimes. I want him to believe in miracles. And just to be my miracle!